martes, 29 de julio de 2008


al parecer.

"Back in May, when the Isaiah architecture was first disclosed, VIA declared a performance victory over Intel's upcoming Silverthorne technology. Since then, Isaiah has become the VIA Nano processor, and Silverthorne changed to the Intel Atom — and now we can finally see tests comparing the two technologies. The Nano's out-of-order super-scalar design is definitely an architectural leap over the Atom's in-order single-issue design, but with Intel including HyperThreading technology in their CPU the competition is closer than expected. The Nano does win the performance tests by a considerable margin, but what might be more impressive is seeing the Atom use only 4 watts of power under full load!"

Creo que ahora si, las compus ultra portatiles Ahora si van a dar toda la duracion de bateria que presumen.

Estos chips se pueden aprovechar de tantas maneras que no me causa gracia.

Imaginense un psp con el doble del power y que consume lo mismo. Un ds que maneja las touchscreens como deberia y aparte tiene el power para aventarse a la uña cosas como el warcraft, diablo, age of empires ...

Un celular que ya cuente con todas las caracteristicas de un iphone y con la facilidad de instalacion de software como una pocket pc ...

las posibilidades son infinitas!

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